to Apr 12

Ligonier National Conference - Orlando, FL

God’s unchanging plan from all eternity has been to save a people for Himself. Called out of darkness by His Word and Spirit, Christians now take part in this mission to bring the light of the gospel to the nations. Though we live in a hostile world, God’s people can have confidence, knowing that all the powers of hell cannot withstand the triumph of His church.

The 2025 Ligonier National Conference will explore the promise of Jesus Christ to build His church (Matt. 16:18). With this assurance, we’ll consider how Christians are called to evangelism, missions, discipleship, and worship—all to the glory of God.


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to Apr 24

experiential preaching Conference - Ridgecrest, NC

For local churches to flourish, their pastors must preach and shepherd with the shepherd’s staff — the Word of God alone.

We’ve always been strong advocates of expository preaching. However, preaching that fills the head with doctrine, yet avoids applying biblical texts, falls short of helping God’s people move from one position to another (as Lloyd-Jones says).

This preaching conference will make it clear that preaching that does not compel the heart to be moved by God’s glory to apply it — and to humbly spring into action to do His will — falls short of true biblical preaching.

That’s why experiential preaching is so important. It is exposition and application, but it is more.

Experiential preaching stresses the need to know by experience the great truths of the Word of God. It brings truth to the heart to illuminate who we are, where we stand with God, how we need to be healed, and where we need to be headed.

Experiential preaching addresses the entire range of Christian living. With the Spirit's blessing, its mission is to transform the believer in all that he is and does so that he becomes more and more like the Savior.

Experiential preaching breaks us and remakes us. It is both exhilarating and humbling. It prompts a love for God and His glory, as well as a burning passion to declare and display that love to others around him.

Join Joel Beeke and Brian Borgman on April 23-24 for Experiential Preaching: A Heart Compelled by God.


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to May 2

The Credo Conference - WASHINGTON, DC

The Trinity: 1700 Years After Nicaea

1700 years after the Council of Nicaea, the mystery of the Trinity remains at the heart of the Christian faith. Recovering orthodoxy in our modern context is vital to the unity of the church universal.

Join is May 1-2 in Washington, D.C. as together we will contemplate, confess, and worship our triune God.


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to Sep 3


  • Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Celebrating the vital heritage of hymnody that has been passed down through twenty centuries of Christianity.

Be refreshed and inspired by testimony of God’s faithfulness as we journey through the greatest hymns of all time, learn dozens of new hymns as a part of the official launch of the Sing! Hymnal, and think deeply about how we can continue to pass rich, Biblical songs onward through the generations.


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to Sep 30

For The Church National Conference - Kansas City, MO

  • Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The For The Church National Conference is a vital part of Midwestern Seminary and College’s aim to train ministry leaders for the magnification of God through the building up of the local church. This is the reason For The Church exists.


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to Mar 19


Coram Deo is a Latin phrase meaning “before the face of God.” The phrase is often associated with John Calvin and other Reformers who summoned the Christian to live all of life in God’s presence (Ps. 56:13). More specifically, pastors have been charged in the presence of God to preach the word (2 Tim. 4:1-2). The aim of this conference is to remind pastors of our great God, to recharge the preacher for teaching with clarity and conviction, and to reinvigorate the weary soul for a life of ministry faithfulness before the face of God.


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to Mar 8

9Marks NW Conference - Portland, OR

The 9Marks Northwest Conference is a way for Christians to learn about often-overlooked biblical practices for the church. The focus of this 2025 conference is the important topic of Church Discipline. Many evangelical Christians may have already formed opinions about church discipline informed by their good or bad experience of church discipline in the local church. But does the Bible talk about church discipline? And how should we practice healthy membership for the good of the church? This conference will be helpful to both vocational church leaders as well as lay leaders and congregants as we seek to encourage the breadth of the local church.

Speakers will present nine sessions on building healthy (that is, biblical) churches through a Biblical understanding and practice of church discipline. We will study the theology behind church discipline and the practical outworking of church discipline in the local church. There will be many opportunities throughout the conference to ask questions, dialogue with the speakers, and build relationships with other Christians.


Jonathan Leeman – Cheverly Baptist Church / 9Marks (Washington, DC)

Juan Sanchez – High Pointe Baptist Church (Austin, TX)

Geoff Chang – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO)

Todd Miles – Western Seminary (Portland, OR)


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to Mar 2

Preach Conference - Memphis, TN

Preach Conference exists to promote faithful Bible preaching and, therefore, to strengthen pastors, lay leaders, and churches. God’s Word is the means by which He creates life, feeds His sheep, convicts sin, encourages the broken-hearted, and builds up the saints for maturity in Christ. The preached Word, therefore, is the starting point for Christian discipleship and worship. We want to help all Christians, and Pastors in particular, to grow in their confidence in God’s Word and their competence to handle it rightly.


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